Presque Isle Elks to Host Balloon Fest Street Fair
“Come join our block party and in keeping with this year’s theme, ‘Lesse bon temps roullez, Let the good times roll’.” Those are the words of Alan Harding, Exalted Ruler of the Presque Isle Elks, who on Thursday, August 21, will again be hosting a street fair in downtown Presque Isle from 4 to 10 p.m. The theme for the 2014 street fair is ‘Saluer Acadia’ or ‘Praise Acadia’.
Area merchants and service organizations will be featuring Acadian food and merchandise for the evening, with most setting up street-side booths. From a sidewalk booth, the Presque Isle Elks will be serving chicken stew with ploys from Bouchard Farms and Acadian strawberry and blueberry shortcakes. Café Sorpresso has added French onion soup, Tourtiere, and Acadian sugar pie to their menu for the evening. The Northeastland Hotel and Governor’s will also be featuring Acadian food items in addition to their regular specialties at their street fair booths on Main Street.
In addition to the abundance of food, there will also be plenty of entertainment for this year’s Balloonfest Street Fair. A stage will be located at the intersection of State and Main Streets for live musical entertainment with an Acadian flair. Again this year, Roland Perry will be conducting a magic show, which has captivated young children and kept their parents laughing at every performance. Presque Isle Elks will set up bounce houses for youngsters’ enjoyment and will also give children an opportunity to win school supplies while playing a variety of games. April Winslow Cote will be painting faces.
Members of the Presque Isle Fire Department will be conducting demonstrations on Main Street and will move their Learn Not to Burn house to a Main Street location.
The Presque Isle Elks’ dunking booth and drug awareness trailer will also be at the street fair.
According to Harding, all proceeds received by the Elks from this street fair event will go to the Maine Children’s Cancer Program, a major charity for Maine Elks. Other charitable organizations participating in this year’s street fair include Relay for Life and Wintergreen Arts Center in partnership with The Aroostook Medical Center.
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