Time for Another Road Trip in Maine – Let’s Go.
If you appreciate road trips in Maine as much as I do, this may pique your interest.
A recent survey of road trips across America picked Maine as the 10th best state to do road trips in. Texas was number one. I’ve driven in Texas on more than one occasion. Sorry, Texas but b-o-r-i-n-g.
New York finished at #2. Are you kidding me? That is not a road trip, that’s sitting in your car and not moving.
For me road tripping in Maine is never boring. The drive down I 95 to Southern Maine isn’t as thrilling as driving every else in Maine, but it still isn’t boring. Maybe tedious, but no worse.
We are into the second half of August so maybe the window is closing on another road trip for you this summer. Personally, I was planning to do another one this summer that might well not happen now.
A couple of summers ago I took time to re-create a Maine road trip that I made each summer as a kid. But the recreation, I got to drive, not be a passenger in the back seat whining are we almost there yet. Or can we stop for ice cream?
And I do have to do another road trip before fall, but it will entail leaving Maine and driving to Canada for a function. So the beautiful Maine scenery and backroad small towns visits won’t happen on that tour, because it’s zooming down I 95 to leave the state and head west. And then head north.
Another road trip survey said that one of the most popular destinations is Canada. Sure seems like the reverse is true. There are a lot more cars from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in Maine this year than there has been since the pandemic.
If you have time for another Maine road trip before fall, enjoy and count your blessings. We are so blessed to ‘get away from it all’ just minutes from home.
Enjoy your ride. And take some photos.
Here is that recreation of my travels as a kid on Route 2.
LOOK: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving
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