Maine Restaurant Will Open Today in Defiance of Mills Order
Last night on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker had Rick Savage, owner of Sunday River Brewing, on his show. Rick said that the initial plan expired the stay at home lock down order on April 30th, and so he plans to open May 1st.
Sunday River Brewing followed the original state guidlines to remain closed until April 30th, but Savage says this is where it will end. He also said that during their shutdown period, they stepped up and handed out 10,000 free meals to the people of Maine.
Savage also went on to say that he has a massive dining room and very large patio, so even if he had to seat people at the six foot distance it would be no problem. Savage expressed to Carlson that with Governor Janet Mills current order and phased reopening plan, Maine will lose about 1/3 of its restaurants.
He continued on by saying the Governor has not only left Maine people in the dark about much of what is going on, but also the state's lawmakers both republicans and democrats.
As of yesterday, the sign out front of Sunday River Brewing still read "opening May 1st", so we will keep you updated as to the status of restaurant and whether or not the State of Maine attempts to get involved.

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