Have You Visited the Museum of Dumb Guy Stuff in Portsmouth, New Hampshire?
The next time the “sophisticated” person in your life suggests a trip to the museum, call their idea divine – splendid, even! For you know of a wonderful museum right here on the Seacoast.
Located in a basement on Mechanic Street in Portsmouth is the Museum of Dumb Guy Stuff. It’s made up of exactly what you’d imagine: stuff even dumb guys like me can appreciate.
Fantasy author Clay Emery set the museum up in his home, telling New Hampshire Chronicle that after bringing some of his collectibles and action figures down from his workshop in 2015, he decided to hang a sign that said “Open.” Then, his friend and co-curator Rod Hildebrand added a trainset, and the museum was born.
Whether you’re a fan of comic books, Charlie Brown, Popeye, or The Three Stooges, The Museum of Dumb Guy Stuff is a great place to visit on a cold, rainy day (or when wildfires make the air just a bit too hazy for your liking).
Within the model train setup is a complete, scale-size town set in the year 1959. I wonder if my friends from the Northeast Region DeLorean club might want to pay a visit, or if Stephen King might want to check it out and see if it sparks a sequel to his greatest novel ever written.
Despite the name, it’s got a little something for everyone. The Museum notes a recent visit from the Ipswich Women’s Group on its Facebook page.
Emery recently began assembling a display dedicated to the Portsmouth 400 Celebration. You’ll find action figures depicting earlier settlers, along with hand-painted backdrops.
The museum’s hours listed on Facebook are 10 to 4 Monday through Friday, 10 to 3 on Saturday, and 11 to 2 on Sunday.
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