Can You Guess the Deepest Lake in Maine?
Maine has a heck of a lot of water.
Within the Pine Tree State are 73 rivers over 20 miles long, and an additional 39 that drain over 200 square miles each, according to Maine: An Encyclopedia. In addition to its 3,400+ miles of coastline, the state also has many lakes, 51 of which cover an area of at least five miles each.
We've previously chatted about the deepest and longest lakes and rivers in New Hampshire, aka Lake Winnipesaukee and the Connecticut River, respectively. We also concluded the longest river in Maine to be the Saint John River, with a total length of 418 miles. But what about the deepest lake in the Pine Tree State?
According to the Portland Water District, Maine's deepest lake is none other than Sebago Lake, which isn't a surprise. This 45-square-mile lake (according to visitmaine.com) is not only the deepest in Maine, but the entirety of New England, with a depth of 300+ feet. The Portland Water District also explains that the lake is the source of drinking water for nearly a sixth of the state's population and its visitors. Of course, the area's also home to the Sebago Lake State Park Campground, where folks can enjoy camping, beaches, and more.
Speaking of lakes, take a look at Kenneth Irving's lovely rustic lake house that was on the market in Maine last year for a whopping $7.9M.
Kenneth Irving's $7.9 Million Lakefront House For Sale in Maine is Every Outdoorsmen's Dream
Gallery Credit: Meghan Morrison
Now, here's a look at a Maine lodge that you and your friends can rent out right on Sebago Lake itself. Vacation, anyone?
You and 15 Friends Can Rent Out an Immaculate Lodge on Sebago Lake in Maine
Gallery Credit: Joey
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