Andy Capwell

Winter And Early Spring Weather Outlook
The Weather Company has just released their temperature and precipitation forecast for December, January, February, March and April. They say a La Nina pattern should hold through the winter months, so what does that mean for Maine?
Maine Heating Oil Prices Slightly Lower This Week
The weather forecast is calling for much colder weather next week and maybe some snow? Good news for Mainers, the latest home energy fuel prices have dipped slightly.

These Magical Christmas Lights In Maine On List Of Best Christmas Lights In New England
It's time to start thinking about going to the cellar and digging out your Christmas decorations. Or better yet, just plug in the lights that you never took down from last holiday season!

Great Sledding Spots In Maine
I heard the local weatherman hint that we could be getting snow over the Thanksgiving Day holiday. When I was a kid that meant time to get the sled and have some fun. My go to sledding spot when I was growing up in Lewiston was at Davis Mountain at Bates College.

Facebook Posts That Annoy You (Add To Our List)
Facebook, it's hard to remember life without it, I promise there was once a time. I actuallly started on Facebook because of work and being connected with our audience. I'll admit it, I can sometimes get hooked on Facebook playing those silly games and quizes.

Military Dad Leaves Son ‘190 Kisses’
Military families deserve so much credit and respect. They often have to move and in times of conflict, families are seperated by deployments. That is tough on both the parents and the children. I saw a story on Country Living dot com about a Military family in Virginia and the great idea a Dad did for his son during his deployment.

Thanksgiving Foods You Should Not Feed Your Dog
Thanksgiving is a time for family and for many that includes your pets. I am a pushover when it comes to begging dogs and giving them people food. Here's guide of what not to feed your dog during Thanksgiving.

Country Singer Holly Dunn Dies At Age 59
We still often get requests for 'Daddy's Hands' by Holly Dunn. The singer of that song has passed away at age 59.

The U.S. States With The Rudest Drivers: See Where Maine Ranked
Okay, you are driving either into work or home from your job and your commute includes dealing with one or both rotaries in Augusta. I am guessing the drive might have include a horn honking or a hand gesture.

A Maine Town Is Nominated For Best Winter Wonderland
USA Today has a readers poll series called 10BEST. Currently they have a category of Best Winter Wonderland and the 20 nominees include a town in Maine.