Aroostook House of Comfort Honors NMCC Nursing Students
Northern Maine Community College Nursing students participated in a reception at the Aroostook House of Comfort as part of a room dedication in their honor.
The NMCC Nursing students have had a special interest in the development of the end-of-life/hospice care facility which was built to accommodate dying patients and their families. However, the students’ ties to this unique care go back to a very a special instructor whom each of them worked with as part of their coursework studies.
NMCC Nursing instructor, Janet Durgin MSN, RN, NE-BC, LSW, has worked with hospice patients since 1983 when she was the Clinical Director of Visiting Nurses of Aroostook. Since that time, she has also helped students understand the differences of caring for a patient in the final stages of their lives. To that end, when Susan Dugal RN MSN, NMCC Nursing faculty and past SNA advisor, was pursuing her bachelor’s degree, she wanted to explore a greater understanding end-of-life care and connected with Janet who also became her mentor at that time.
It was no surprise that when the Student Nurses’ Association first approached Dugal about providing a donation to the Aroostook House of Comfort that she was very supportive. Dugal says that the association has probably donated $2,500 - $3,000 over the course of several years to this cause.
The Aroostook House of Comfort will open its doors at the beginning of May. For more information, visit aroostookhouseofcomfort.com.
For more information on the Nursing program at NMCC, visit nmcc.edu.
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