6 Moose Snacking At Dusk In Back Yard Near Presque Isle!
As I continue to grow through life, I have come to truly appreciate life in northern Maine. We are very fortunate to live in a piece of the world that give us moments like this:
It was approaching dusk and my backyard was suddenly filled with some unexpected, but always welcome guests. There was a total of 6 moose that were helping themselves to some apples in the trees.
My father-in-law was able to identify that there were at least 3 Bull Moose at this dinner party. This was a welcomed site because lately I've been coming home to roadkill, a fisher, groundhogs, and five racoons playing on my daughter's swing set. The raccoons scrammed quickly once the door of my car opened before I could get my camera fired up!
The moose did not hang around too long for photos because the protectors of the property, the dogs, started making it known something was in the back yard. The three dogs might not weigh 40 lbs. In total. Our dinner guests then bolted towards the road and made it across, without incident. Had they turned around they would have run right back into the woods. Six moose running across a part of road that is in the middle of a winding turn is a recipe for disaster at this time of day.
To add to the story, the next morning I needed to grab a rake from underneath the deck. When I went around the corner, I startled away a turkey! Thanksgiving is on the radar now; you might want to be more discreet. I am very thankful that I am able to live in a place where I can see various wildlife wondering my yard and experience all four seasons.