If his CMT Music Awards performance didn't give you enough of an idea of what Jake Owen's "Real Life" looks like, the music video for the summer anthem will more than take care of it.

The wild and crazy clip features Owen in sitting at a dingy gas station table, drinking beer and throwing darts with some locals, partying with friends around a tailgate and (of course) causing a ruckus at Waffle House. The other characters around Owen seem to be unaware they’re in a music video until the chorus or some "na-nas" roll around, when they look up from what they’re doing and sing along. Even a taxidermic squirrel on the shelf at the gas station joins in. It’s a tribute to the ridiculous, a charge to let your hair down and enjoy life, as clearly evidenced by Owen’s crazy dance moves, fake wig and waffle-throwing.

Adding to its laid-back attitude is the premise that we’re getting a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the video, complete with an angry director yelling about the lack of “butts” in the shot. The “behind the curtain” moments are a light-hearted wink at the audience, making fun of the song's own genre and music video stereotypes. Both "Real Life" and its video counterpart are reminders not to take life too seriously and to enjoy it whatever your circumstance. Owen's charming smile in nearly every frame is contagious, and it won’t take long for fans to catch it while watching.

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